
MAILTOOL Updated to Retry Sending when GSK SSL Handshake Error 415 (GSK_ERROR_BAD_PEER) is Encountered


MAILTOOL Updated to Retry Sending when GSK SSL Handshake Error 415 (GSK_ERROR_BAD_PEER) is Encountered

Lately the GSK SSL APIs from IBM have been having very random and odd problems that it seems IBM hasn't been able to figure out.

The issue is every now and then when connecting via SSL to a server using the IBM GSKit SSL APIs, the handshake will fail with return code 415 (GSK_ERROR_BAD_PEER).

Normally if the process is run again things work fine.

This seems to be happening more on servers with newer SSL certificates as it just started happening with the GMail SMTP servers who replaced their SSL certificate in July of 2021.

Because of this we have added functionality to MAILTOOL (for v11.50 and up when sending with MAILTOOL Plus and bypassing the IBM SMTP server) so that when and if this error is encountered, MAILTOOL will attempt to resend the email up to 5 times.

Should the retry complete successfully, any debug files will be removed (if debug is turned off) and entries in the MTPLUSLOG display will be removed (if the email is not set to be saved).

This auto retry should be fairly seamless should it happen, but the job log will have messages pertaining to the error, the retry and the success or failure.

We hope that this will solve any headaches caused by this issue until IBM is able to provide a fix.  We know that MAILTOOL customers rely on the software to be as functional as possible for your business.

Thank you, and feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.


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