Hello friends,
I am trying to parse below JSON using YAJL. YAJLGEN generated below data structure but the issue i am facing is the number of arrays ex: KEY, CUSTOMER are not fixed. These arrays are returned for each field in the response. I am trying to avoid defining an array for each field from the response.
Could you please, advise if there is a better way to read the below json and parse dyanic arrays. I tried using "yajl_array_loop", "yajl_array_elem" but i couldn't able to make it work in my program for some reason. Thank is in advance.
dcl-ds jsonDoc qualified;
errstatus packed(3) inz(0);
dcl-ds ERRORS;
num_KEY int(10) inz(0);
KEY varchar(37) inz('') dim(1);
num_CUSTOMER int(10) inz(0);
CUSTOMER varchar(43) inz('') dim(2);
"errstatus": 400,
"errors": {
"Key": [
"The Key field is required."
"Customer": [
"The Customer field is required."
If it were me I would use YAJL and manually spin through the array.
Something like this (it's been a while so it may not be 100%)
errorArray = YAJL_object_find(docNode:'errors');
i = 0;
dow YAJL_ARRAY_LOOP( errorArray :i :node );
j = 0;
dow YAJL_OBJECT_LOOP( node: j: key: val);
//do something here
So, when you do the 2nd loop "key" will be the name of the object and val should be it's value.
Again, you may need to play with it and dig into the YAJL docs.. .
Hi Brad, Thank you very much for your reply. I followed your suggestion to use YAJL_ARRAY_LOOP, yajl_object_loop and it worked,