
GreenTools for Slack (G4SLK) v1.00 Released as Beta


GreenTools for Slack (G4SLK) v1.00 Released as Beta

Update:  Check out This Article on G4SLK at IT Jungle/The Four Hundred Magazine!

BVSTools is proud to have released our newest offering, GreenTools for Slack (G4SLK) v1.00 as a beta.  

GreenTools for Slack (G4SLK) provides you with both Command and ILE interfaces to the most popular Slack APIs available for your IBM i.

We have had a couple customers interested in a method other than email to communicate with users from their IBM i (for example sending messages when a job enters MSGW).  We still offer our GreenJab application that lets you communicate with Jabber/XMPP servers, but ever since Google dropped XMPP as their standard for Google Talk, the XMPP standard has really been all but forgotten.  

One of the customers mentioned Slack as a possible solution, and from there it's history.  I realized not only would it be a useful IBM i application, but that I would use it as well!  (Proof of Concept articles are in the works).

The G4SLK application gives you access to commands and functions which allow you to:

G4SLK uses OAuth 2.0 authentication which is easily set up using a simple command from your green screen.

The process is simple and goes like this:

  • Step 1:  Install G4SLK and run the G4SLK Register Service (G4SLKRSVC) Command
  • Step 2: Follow the Instructions And Log into your Slack Account and Team
  • Step 3: Authorize G4SLK to the Functionality Listed
  • Step 4: Complete the Registration

Step 1:  Install G4SLK and run the G4SLK Register Service (G4SLKRSVC) Command

The G4SLK package comes with a command that allows you to register the Slack service for any user id and team that you use on Slack.  It is important to understand that for each user and team combination you will need to go through this registration process before using any G4LSLK commands or ILE Functions.

The G4SLKRSVC screen will look like this:

The link provided contains a special code unique to your OAuth 2.0 session.  If you are using a modern 5250 browser (such as IBM i Access) you should be able to click on the link and have your browser open.  If not, simply copy and paste the entire link to your browser.

Step 2: Follow the Instructions And Log into your Slack Account and Team

Once you click on the link in the previous step your browser will open to a BVSTools web page.  There will be a link that you click on that will connect you to your Slack account.

Click on the "Click Here" link and if you are not signed into your Slack account you will be guided through that process.  

If you ARE logged into your Slack account you will be brought to the screen at Step 3 and you will want to make sure that the account you are registering with G4SLK is the SAME account you are logged into.

Next, you will be asked for your email address and password that is associated with the particular Slack team your are registering:

Step 3: Authorize G4SLK to the Functionality Listed

Part of the OAuth 2.0 authorization process means you need to allow the G4SLK function to have access to your account and some of the functions.  This allows you to run these functions from your IBM i and interact with your Slack account as if you were using a PC, web or mobile app.  The screen will look like the following:

Step 4: Complete the Registration

Once you click on the Authorize button on the Slack authorization page, you will be returned to the BVSTools website where a registration code will be:

Once here, you can close this browser window/tab and return to your green screen where you were running the G4SLKRSVC command and press the F6 command and complete the registration.  When you press F6 the G4SLKRSVC command will retrieve the code that was generated for you and use it to request an OAuth 2.0 token from Slack.  Unlink other OAuth 2.0 systems (like Google and Microsoft), their tokens do not expire.  I expect in the future this may be added, but if it does the G4SLK application will be updated to allow that.  (The code is already there, just commented out.  >:)  )

Now you're all done and can start using the G4SLK commands and ILE functions for this account and team.

We've even provided a few sample programs.  One being a program called "CHAT" that you'll find tin the QRPGLESRC source physical file in the G4SLK library.  This is a simple program that you can use to send and receive messages from a Slack channel:

Because G4SLK is in beta, it may be updated often adding new features and bug fixes, so we encourage users to let us know if there is any functionality they need as well as report bugs with the proper information.

You can download G4SLK from our website.   Don't forget to request a key for the software.  Because GETURI is also required, you will also be sent a trial key for that automatically when you select G4SLK as the software to get a key for.

If you wish to be a beta tester and really get your hands dirty, feel free to contact us and we can get you trial keys good for 30 days instead of the 10 you can get from our website.  And as always, feel free to request new keys for as long as you need to try out the software.

G4SLK Requirements:

  • V5R4 or higher OS version (tested up to V7R3)
  • GETURI v7.00 or higher (included with G4SLK distribution library.)
  • Licensing for the G4SLKCH addon and GETURI

See also: Sending a Slack Alert Using JOBWATCH and G4SLK When a Job Enters MSGW Status

Last edited 01/17/2020 at 11:46:04


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