
We're Giving Slack a Try for Support, Sharing and Ideas


We're Giving Slack a Try for Support, Sharing and Ideas

Update:  Check out This Article on G4SLK at IT Jungle/The Four Hundred Magazine!

As some of you know, we have decided to try Slack for support, communications, collaboration and sharing of idea.

Slack is a messaging app where we can talk, share files, and work together.  

Once you join the BVSTools Slack Team you'll be able to communicate directly with us using Slack.  We've even created a new IBM i app called GreenTools for Slack (G4SLK) that allows you to send and receive messages and files using Slack directly from your IBM i!  See this article for more information on G4SLK.

You don't need to be a current BVSTools customer to join the BVSTools Slack Team.  We value all input and ideas.  So even if you're just trying things out, Slack may be a good way for communications when need a quick answer to those questions you can't seem to find an answer too.

We have created channels in the BVSTools Slack Team specifically for each of our most popular software products.  You join any or all of the channels and use them for specific discussion and to receive notifications regarding that product, or use the general channel for new channel requests or just basic questions (such as "Will your software run on V7R3?").

For more detailed discussions and articles we will still continue to use, but for smaller and quicker questions Slack looks to be a perfect fit!  And if a discussion or question on Slack is useful we will also post the relavant information here at so it will be searchable for all.

If you are interested in using Slack with BVSTooks and joining the BVSTools Slack Team, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Email me at and I will be happy to forward an invite to join the BVSTools Slack Team.
Step 2: You can optionally Download the Slack apps for desktop and mobile. 
Step 3: Check out Slack’s Getting Started guides.

Questions or feedback?

If you have questions about your BVSTools Slack team account, please contact us and we will do what we can to help. 

If you have general questions about Slack, their Help Center is a great resource.

Bradley V. Stone

Last edited 06/15/2017 at 09:07:27


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